
You are a tiny human in a solarpunk future with a thirst for adventure aka Splore!

Your home village is surrounded by dense rainforest. Impassible and safe. You've been tinkering with some high-tech gizmos that can clear a path briefly. Every 10 Seconds the forest grows back.

Ludum Dare 51

You can join the team for the slow-jam aka Extra LD51 that ends Oct 21st 3PM https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/51/splore

Branching Narrative

Spore is a page-based branching narrative game where the player makes choices to advance the story.


Every time you start to splore it's a new adventure. When you clear some forest, you will reveal something random. Something nice, something scary, someone to talk to... you never know what's going to happen. You can try retracing your steps, but the forest is always growing back behind you.

Open Source

Here the link to the Repo: https://github.com/markdav-is/splore